Waterproof laminated coating without pitch or tar.

High performance waterproof product for walls and basements, formulated with polymers in aqueous dispersion and mineral charges which give them a sheet structure with high waterproofing power, stable in extreme conditions and easy to apply. Due to its carefully studied formulation it is the best substitute for pitches, tars and similar products. It has an excellent resistance to residual water and to soluble salts. Very resistant to weatherproof, supports temperature change from –25ºC to 80ºC.


For its high elasticity it does not split or crack with the movements caused by sudden changes of temperature. This is the reason why it is strongly recommended to waterproof walls and basements.

Surface preparation

In old surfaces, eliminate previously the remainders of bad stuck particles and other impurities as dust, mosses, oils, and greases, remainders of paints, pitches or tars. The remainders of working materials can be eliminated with DESCAL, rinsing with a lot of water and letting it dry. Apply the product with temperatures between 8º and 40ºC, and foreseeing it will not rain. Excessive paint thickness (coat) may affect the right drying of RELAMUR.

Instructions for use

In general, on concrete or mortar surfaces it is necessary to apply two coats with an interval of 24/48 hours. The application can be made with brush, paint roller, trowel, etc.
To apply the first coat the surface must be previously wet and dilute RELAMUR with water until 15%. For the second coat the dilution can be at most 5% with water.


First coat (undercoat) (diluted at 15% in water):6-7 m²/Kg.Second coat (diluted at 5% in water): 5 m²/Kg.


Yellow, blue and black.
Over 1200 Kg. the colour can be over demand.

Packing and storing

RELAMUR is packed in hermetic barrels, according to EC packing and storing directives for chemical products. Professional use.

Hygiene and safety

See product label.


Viscosity (A6, V10, 25ºC):400+- 40P
Density at 20º C: 1, 55 +-0.05 g/ml
pH: 8.5+- 0.5
Dry extract (Auto, 120ºC): 63+- 2
Dry to touch (250 microns, glass, 20ºC): 40-45 minutes
Total Dry (250 microns, glass, 20ºC): 65-80 minutes
Water-repellent Power (TCMA 105): Good
Elasticity (100 microns, TCMA 028): Good
Heat resistance: 80ºC
Cold resistance:-5ºC


- La presente ficha técnica sirve, al igual que todas las demás recomendaciones e información técnica, únicamente para la descripción de las características del producto, forma de empleo y su aplicaciones. Los datos e informaciones reproducidas se basan en nuestros conocimientos técnicos obtenidos en bibliografia, en ensayos de laboratorio y en la práctica.
- Los datos sobre consumo y dosificación que figuran en esta ficha técnica se basan en nuestra propia experiencia, por lo que estos son susceptibles de variaciones debido a las diferentes condiciones de las obras. Los consumos y dosificaciones reales deberán determinarse en la obra mediante ensayos previos y son responsabilidad del cliente.
- Para un asesoramiento adicional, nuestro Departamento de Química Aplicada para la Construcción, está a su disposición.
- Otras aplicaciones del producto que no se ajusten a las indicadas, no serán de nuestra responsabilidad.
- Otorgamos garantía en caso de defectos en la calidad de fabricación de nuestros productos, quedando excluidas las reclamaciones adicionales, siendo de nuestra responsabilidad tan sólo la de reingresar el valor de la mercancía suministrada.
- Deben tenerse en cuenta las eventuales reservas correspondientes a patentes o derechos de terceros.
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