Flexible aluminium sheet for the finishing off in roofs.
Flexial is an aluminium sheet lacquered in both sides specially recommended for round off in roofs. This product its available in to formats: LINEAL and 3D.
The included adhseive is an elastic mass with permanent flexibility that adapts to dilations and small movements that could afford the roofs, avoiding the sheet to get unstuck, suffering fissures or breaks and assuring the water hold back.
The lacquered of the sheet provides resistance to all weather conditions and to ultraviolet rays that insures for long time its appearance without been damaged.
Flexial is a product made of light and non harmful materials within the respect of enviorenment and the people's health.
A wide range of measures and formats will permit you to find the appropiate Flexial to resolve the multiple waterproof problems easily and safely.
· Uses
· Surface preparation
· Instructions for use
· Consumption
· Colours
· Packing and storing
· Hygiene and safety
· Specification
Last update: 15/07/2009
FLEXIAL LINEAL: Remove the wrap and stick it while you adapt it to the roof's support.
FLEXIAL 3D (MINITEJA): Cut the sheet in relation with the chimneys wall higher and the overlap over the tiles. Remove the wrap, adapt it to the chimneys and bend the lateral part over the flap of the previous sheet.
Ristrels must be prefectly parallel. Distance beetwen ristrel and longitudinal mark should be 25 cm from each side.
FLEXIAL ALLEY (LIMAHOYA): Cut the sheet within the suited longitud. Remove the wrap, adapt it to the roofs support. Bend along the marks and fix it in the edge along the perimeter.
FLEXIAL LINEAL and FLEXIAL 3D (MINITEJA) is presented in rolls of 20, 30 and 40 cm of wide and 5 lineal meters.
FLEXIAL ALLEY (LIMAHOYA): is presented in rolls of 60cm wide and 5 lineal meters.
ALUM BAR: is presented in units of 55cm wide and 2 lineal meters.
For its storage its essential to maintain the rolls in their original wrapping prefectly closed and sheltered in indoor conditions.
Adhesion force to concrete: no less than 0,1 Mpa.
Adhesion force to metals: no less than 0,94 Kg/cm2
Water absortion: no more than 0,02 %
Permeability to water steam: 0,15 g/m2
Temperature resistance*:-60 a +180 ºC
U.V. resistance (ASTM G87, 500 hours, U.V. - 313 4h. 60 ºC/condensation, 4h. 40 ºC): O.K.
Bending ISO1519 (OT (180ºC)): O.K.
Friction resistance (ILA - 15): O.K.
*If the product is conserved in temperatures lower than 0ºC, it should be kept during 24h at 20ºC ± 2 ºC before its application. It is recomended that the installation must be done in temperatures above 4ºC.
- La presente ficha técnica sirve, al igual que todas las demás recomendaciones e información técnica, únicamente para la descripción de las características del producto, forma de empleo y su aplicaciones. Los datos e informaciones reproducidas se basan en nuestros conocimientos técnicos obtenidos en bibliografia, en ensayos de laboratorio y en la práctica.
- Los datos sobre consumo y dosificación que figuran en esta ficha técnica se basan en nuestra propia experiencia, por lo que estos son susceptibles de variaciones debido a las diferentes condiciones de las obras. Los consumos y dosificaciones reales deberán determinarse en la obra mediante ensayos previos y son responsabilidad del cliente.
- Para un asesoramiento adicional, nuestro Departamento de Química Aplicada para la Construcción, está a su disposición.
- Otras aplicaciones del producto que no se ajusten a las indicadas, no serán de nuestra responsabilidad.
- Otorgamos garantía en caso de defectos en la calidad de fabricación de nuestros productos, quedando excluidas las reclamaciones adicionales, siendo de nuestra responsabilidad tan sólo la de reingresar el valor de la mercancía suministrada.
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