Aqueous epoxi two components
It has been made as a treatment for concrete surfaces which needs a total hygiene and absence of migrations, especially indicated for food industries of all kind.
Due to its absence of solvents PIEPOX W does not emit harmful or unpleasant vapours. It has a good adherence on all kind of surfaces, including asphalt or tar floors and it does not dilute them. Good adherence on wet supports (wet but without puddles), good resistance to abrasion, passivity to a lot of chemical agents (diluted bases and acids).
· Uses
· Surface preparation
· Instructions for use
· Consumption
· Colours
· Packing and storing
· Hygiene and safety
· Specification
Last update: 06/11/2008
To coat floors and walls in all kinds of industries, especially those in the food industry such as: quartering, cheese makers, salted products, bottling plants, laboratories, etc. Ideal to be applied on rooms where there is fire or explosion risk. For its total absence of odour it is ideal also for hams and sausages drying places.
The surface must be perfectly clean of dust and remainders of greases or oils (these pollutants can be eliminated with our product D.S TRAFIC). PIEPOX W must not be applied with temperatures below 10ºC. When it is a new surface it is recommended to apply a primer with PIEPOX W diluted at 10% with water. To ensure a good polymerization and to assure a good drying time, good ventilation is essential to facilitate the water evaporation contained in the product; otherwise can easily turn into matte colour, especially on the second coat.
Mix the two components, which are supplied in separate barrels with the adequate dosage, add the solidifier (small barrel) into the base (big barrel) and mix them intensely until it shows a uniform aspect (agitator with mechanical revolution mixer at 500rpm for 3 minutes at most). The pot life depends on the quantity of the product and the temperature, so it is not advisable to mix more than one set at the same time if there is not a great surface to paint. It can be applied with brush, paint roller, spray gun or airless. Dilute the product 5 or 10% with water until you obtain the desired viscosity and let the mixture repose for 5 minutes.
5-6 m² per Kg. and coat approximately. It will depend on the surface roughness and/or porosity.
It is recommended to apply a first coat diluted at 10% with water as a primer and the second and third coat diluted at 5% with water.
To determine the consumption, principally when there is a rough and extremely absorbent surface, is advisable to make a test on a previously measured surface and with a previously weighed quantity of the product (PIEPOX W).
Migrations: Total absence.
Pot life at 20ºC:1.5 hours approximately.
A+B density depending on the colour:1.30 gr./cm³ (at 20ºC)
A+B Viscosity at 20ºC depending on the colour:20-30 P
Dry extract (A+B):60%
Thermic resistance when storing: it does not resist ice.
Pendulum hardness after 100 hours:260” to the PERSOZ pendulum.
Protection against dust:4 or 5 hours.
Dry-to-touch:9 hours, bright aspect.
Dry to paint on it:24 hours.
- La presente ficha técnica sirve, al igual que todas las demás recomendaciones e información técnica, únicamente para la descripción de las características del producto, forma de empleo y su aplicaciones. Los datos e informaciones reproducidas se basan en nuestros conocimientos técnicos obtenidos en bibliografia, en ensayos de laboratorio y en la práctica.
- Los datos sobre consumo y dosificación que figuran en esta ficha técnica se basan en nuestra propia experiencia, por lo que estos son susceptibles de variaciones debido a las diferentes condiciones de las obras. Los consumos y dosificaciones reales deberán determinarse en la obra mediante ensayos previos y son responsabilidad del cliente.
- Para un asesoramiento adicional, nuestro Departamento de Química Aplicada para la Construcción, está a su disposición.
- Otras aplicaciones del producto que no se ajusten a las indicadas, no serán de nuestra responsabilidad.
- Otorgamos garantía en caso de defectos en la calidad de fabricación de nuestros productos, quedando excluidas las reclamaciones adicionales, siendo de nuestra responsabilidad tan sólo la de reingresar el valor de la mercancía suministrada.
- Deben tenerse en cuenta las eventuales reservas correspondientes a patentes o derechos de terceros.
- La presente ficha técnica pierde su validez con la aplicación de una nueva edición.