One-component polyurethane putty of atmospheric reticulation.
One-component polyurethane putty specially formulated as a security sealant of easy application and fast drying. It is supplied ready to be used without mixing it before. It vulcanizes in contact with atmospheric humidity and it shows a good adherence on several supports. The product has a good resistance to abrasion, UV rays, ozone, basic acids, mineral oils, but not to solvents. Its elastic retrievement is between 70 and 90% higher than the polysulphures. The joints can be painted after the product reticulation.
· Uses
· Surface preparation
· Instructions for use
· Consumption
· Colours
· Packing and storing
· Hygiene and safety
· Specification
Last update: 18/08/2009
To guarantee a perfect adherence the surface must be clean, without dust, greases or humidity. The surface of the joint can be cleaned with solvents like xylene, acetone, etc. or if it is necessary the surface can be brushed or cleaned with sandblast. To design the joint the materials nature and the maximum foreseen movement must be taken into account. The bottom of the joint must be filled with a cylindrical non porous material in order to assure that POLISUL-2 sticks completely to both sides. It is preferable to finish the cartridge once it has been opened to avoid extrusion problems.
Aspect: Grey/white/red paste.
Density: 1.2 g/mL
Use temperature: +5 ºC to +40 ºC
Driy-to-touch:1 - 2 hours
Capacity to ooze (Boeing test): 0,9 mm. Maximum
Skin formation (O.Q.6): 90 - 150 minutes
Mechanical characteristics:
Hardness Shore: 30 ± 2 (DIN 53.505)
Module 100% (Mpa):0.3 min.
Elastic retrievement:>90%
Breaking lengthening :>250% (after 28 days at 20ºC)
POLISUL 2 compiles with the SNJF Normative for the sealing joints and stagnant complements with the elastomeric classification of 1st category without prime on concrete, steel and glass.
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- Otras aplicaciones del producto que no se ajusten a las indicadas, no serán de nuestra responsabilidad.
- Otorgamos garantía en caso de defectos en la calidad de fabricación de nuestros productos, quedando excluidas las reclamaciones adicionales, siendo de nuestra responsabilidad tan sólo la de reingresar el valor de la mercancía suministrada.
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